Cussedness Corner

"My work may be garbage but it's good garbage." Mickey Spillane

Kelly Freas





One corner got torn in all the moving around I have done, but the picture was not harmed. Kelly Freas did this portrait of my ex. Kelly and Polly were on a panel with Hank and I. Throughout the panel, Kelly sketched intermittently and grinned at me like a naughty boy. Then he slid this over to me and gave it to me as a present.

I adored working with Kelly when I was an assistant editor at Donning/Starblaze in Virginia.  We often had lunch with him and Polly. After Polly died,  he married Laura, who was very sweet. Laura did the cover for the anthology I edited in ’93, New Eves.  Conventions have never felt the same since he died in ’05. He was 82 years old.

The generation that I grew up idolizing are mostly gone now. There’s a few left. Even some of those who are my age have vanished from this world.  It makes me sad and sometimes lonely.

What holds me together now are the younger folks who are all around me. Elaine Daniels is the co-owner of Daverana Enterprises and she has great strength and drive. I admire that. Ali Alfreth is fun and a very good editor. Steven Beeho is an aggravation and a wonderful wit. Girl crazy Bodisaniwi, a DJ for Radio KoL, helps me with translations and my invented languages. He’s amazing.  I intend to talk about others who have kept my life bright over the next few weeks.

I’m going on a sentimental journey. I hope you come along for the ride.

6 comments on “Kelly Freas

  1. secolbert
    August 31, 2013

    I love sentimental journeys. The older I get the more I realize we spend the first part of our lives making memories, and the second part reliving them. Being back in touch with some friends from 30 years ago has been a wonderful experience, and given me a lot of insight into myself (I’ve always been a pain in the ass apparently). Very fitting as the wip deals a lot with memories and coming to terms with them. I’ve been doing a lot of research (while I try to figure out where to go in the story), and am amazed sometimes at where we came from as a society and where we are now. It’s fascinating, yet painful at the same time.

  2. ghostposts
    August 31, 2013

    le sigh. You are bound and determined to make a fan girl out of me. 😛

  3. ghostposts
    August 31, 2013

    Reblogged this on Ghostposts’s Weblog and commented:
    looking forward to the next post.

  4. uppitymonkey
    August 31, 2013

    Woohhooo!! An aggravation! Get in!

  5. Lepplady
    August 31, 2013

    I love sentimental journeys. They show us where we’ve been and give us new hope for where we’re going.

  6. cussedness
    September 1, 2013

    I also love the old song from the 40s “Sentimental Journey” and it keeps playing in my mind as I write these.

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