Cussedness Corner

"My work may be garbage but it's good garbage." Mickey Spillane

Blurbs and Reviews

Janrae Frank writes with unbridled passion. The passion of love and hate. The passion of life and death. The passion of blood. Her work bends stereotypes and genres and takes the reader on an intense and suspenseful ride with each new page. It’s not enough to simply read her work, you must devour it. — Angeline Hawkes-Craig, author of The Commandments and Momento Mori.

I consider her work Dark Fantasy. I don’t know if she would agree. You’ll find a wealth of dark stuff in her fiction, certain to raise an eyebrow. What I’ve read of her work explores a wide range of emotions, but she is not afraid to get down and dirty and venture far into the country of the depraved. That’s among the reasons why I enjoy her work. She is unafraid to tell the truth of what she sees, no matter how terrible it may be. Her fiction is honest. There are not many writers who can say the same. Jack Kincaid, Writer and producer of Edict Zero.

Janrae Frank’s books are always something I grab the moment I have the chance. They are wonderful reads, well written, dense and richly evocative. She makes the reader see the worlds and characters which she has created and want always to see more of them as well. Her work is brilliant, hard-hitting, and the sort of thing I for one tend to be reading still at 2am since I can’t put it down until I know how things are going to turn out. Lyn McConchie

“groundbreaking … works of genius,” writes Jessica Amanda Salmonson.

Wolves of Nakesht by Janrae Frank

Now, we’re getting somewhere! We have combat, we have a woman in exile, and we have werewolves chasing our heroes across the plains. We have strong, interesting characters that aren’t just a man’s boyish fantasy. This should have been the first story presented in the anthology, to hook the readers and keep them moving forward.Reviewed by Paul McNamee

Edited to add these from Serpent’s  Quest

 The characters are fully formed with unique individual personalities. There are no stereotypes or shortcuts. The tension was subtle, and I found myself truly anxious for the characters without realizing the author had taken me there. The perfect amount of historical background was given. … I didn’t feel lost in this complex world of complex relationships. The author also did an excellent job of whetting my appetite to read the previous books [ie. other series] and left me eager to read the next installment of Lycan Blood. Bitten by Books

 “Janrae Frank is more than a writer, she is a world-builder. Serpent’s Quest defies the limitations of genre because it is bigger than any one label can contain. It’s an epic adventure, filled with unbridled horrors and sweeping romance, but more than that, Serpent’s Quest is populated by characters who are visceral and alive. Serpent’s Quest captivates you not only because of its larger than life drama, but because you become invested in the world as a living and breathing place.” Bob Freeman, author of the Cairnwood Manor series

 “The prose is tight, the characters utterly believable, and the plot is so fast and slick it threatens to run you over like a steamtrain. An incredible piece of storytelling.” Gareth Owens, author of “Fun With Rainbows”

2 comments on “Blurbs and Reviews

  1. Amanda
    August 4, 2013

    Now I have to find time to read! LOL

  2. Lepplady
    August 4, 2013

    So that’s what real book reviews look like. Something certain other publishers/authors will never see.

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